Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Days of Truth: Day 28-What if You Were Pregnant? What Would You Do?

Oh boy, pregnancy?  At my age?  I'm turning 45 this year, so it would not be a positive thing at all if I got pregnant (especially because my husband has a vasectomy).  If I got pregnant right now, I'd be in a whole lot of trouble and would need professional help from a psychiatrist I think!  If I was younger (in my childbearing years) I would welcome a new baby into the world.  At my age, I don't know what I would do.


  1. i'd have the baby. i just would. we have the V too, but well... i'm in shape; better shape than a lot of younger women, so ... genetics are genetics. any pregnancy i have is for the long haul. and yes: i'd have to get a psychiatrist too.

  2. I think I'd have the baby too. Since Joe is fixed, I guess I just don't worry about it.
