FOR TODAY: July 27, 2011
Outside my window... There is no window in this room. I'm at the hospital with Zoe in a generic ER room.
I am thinking...About whether she should keep doing gymnastics. She keeps getting hurt even though she has cut back from five hours a week to one.
I am thankful...that we are here just for a foot injury and nothing life threatening.
From the learning rooms...Zoe is working on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. Thomas is still working through his summer bridge workbook. Handwriting is his least favorite part! Sierra is spending the night out and took a break today. I've been attending PreAP math training his week and have learned many new and creative ideas. One more day then off for just two more weeks.
In the kitchen...Who knows! I've barely been home today! Joe cooked a yummy dinner of chicken, peppers, and rice pasta w/cheese for dinner.
I am wearing...White shorts and a purple linkin park concert t shirt.
I am creating...working on the solo for 21 guns by green day and the wind by cat Stevens (on my guitar)
I am sleep as soon as I get home!
I am wondering...what healthy snack to take with me tomorrow.
I am reading...The Art of Racing in the Rain.
I am hoping...Zoe's foot isn't hurt too badly.
I am looking forward to...when the weather starts to cool off.
I am hearing...The quiet whir of a computer in the room, people walking in the hallways, and various voices.
Around the house...There is a lot of kid stuff. Got the upstairs AC fixed today.
I am pondering...When my foot will ever stop hurting.
One of my favorite things...Getting a long massage.
A few plans for the rest of the week: one more day of work, taking the kids to the pool Friday, Blaine's 40th bday party on Saturday.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...