For Today: Wednesday October 10, 2012
Outside my's a cloudy day here in Texas. Started off foggy too. The neighborhood is quiet. The sky is grey. It's a warm 70 something degrees outside.
I am thinking...about the quote of the day that appeared on my blog today. It reminds me of the Buddhist idea that we are what we think. I'm using this phrase and concept a lot these days.
I am thankful...for thirteen years of wedded bliss with my husband, Joe. Today is our anniversary, and I've been spending time thinking back to that day. Things are so different now, and I am so thankful for the road we've travelled together. When we got married, he was an undergraduate student, and I was teaching full time. In the past thirteen years together, he's gone to law school and made partner at his law firm recently. We've had two babies together, a boy and a girl, talk about a dream come true! We found his son, Brent and established a relationship with him. Sierra changed her name to become a Nelson last year. We've built our life together step by step, and I am so thankful for everything he has brought to my life.
In the kitchen...I made some beef, veggie, rice noodle stir fry and there are chicken wings and sliced beets with olive oil and sea salt baking right now. I cut some fresh romaine lettuce and some carrots for snacking today.
I am wearing...grey tank top and grey GAP sweatpants.
I am electric guitar solo in the key of E.
I am Austin on Saturday, can't wait! Joe has a conference there every year at this time, and since I'm not working this year, I decided to go. We are staying at a nice hotel and having date night on Saturday to celebrate our anniversary. I hope to see some of my Austin friends while I'm down there!
I am wondering...whether we will get to see Brent for Christmas. He is stationed in NY.
I am embarrased to say I'm still reading the Hunger Games. Or maybe I should say that's what I 'should' be reading. I suck at pleasure reading other than news and non-fiction.
I am hoping...Sierra can come home for Thanksgiving. She's working this year, so I don't know if she will get the time off.
I am looking forward to...some time alone with Joe on our long weekend. Our lives are so busy. We hardly get to spend much time together.
I am learning...filling in the gaps on logarithms and matrices.
Around the house...there are chores to be done, but I'm facing them with a grateful attitude. I woke up this morning with that feeling of, 'oh I get to stay home alone all day and do all the work by myself' and then since then have been taking each task one at a time and looking for the positive in it. I had a doctor's appointment then got my allergy shot and a massage then went grocery shopping. Dishes? That means we eat enough food. Laundry? That means we have enough clothing to wear. Bills? We are lucky enough to have a home and a family to support. Pain? At least I am up and moving around. Kids' stuff everywhere? Thankfully I have kids to pick up after. I'm so thankful I have the time to devote to myself, my kids, and my house.
I am pondering...kindness. Today there was a truck behind me that pulled right up along side of me and the driver gave me a hard stare. I thought it might be because of my Obama-Biden bumper sticker (not so popular around here). He had a scowl on his face, so I smiled at him. He smiled back like he didn't know what to think. Life is too short not to smile :)
A favorite quote for today...
Quote of the DayA man is what he thinks about all day long.
Ralph Waldo Emerson One of my favorite things...being a stay home mom. Having time to be available for my kids is priceless! There is so much to keep track of and so many little things that need doing. It's awesome to have time to do everything.
A few plans for the rest of the week: tutoring today, tomorrow, and Friday. Going to Austin on Saturday.
A peek into my day...
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