Mother's Day 2010. I am queen for the day, which means it's my day off. It's one day where I can do whatever I want and I don't have to do any of the normal work associated with being a mom. I can sleep in and stay in the shower as long as I want to. I don't have to deal with any drama with the kids. Not doing any chores or cooking or shopping. In fact, all I want to do is relax, play guitar, do some yoga, read a book, and take a nap before we go to dinner at my in-laws' house. I'm savoring each moment and finding peace in the quiet house. Joe got me some knockout roses to plant in the front and back beds. I've been wanting to experiment with growing roses, and now I can! All three kids gave me nice hugs and kisses and Zoe made me a cute card. Sierra treated me to a specially made allergy free rotisserie chicken lunch. I love being a mom so much and feel so lucky to have three healthy and adorable children.
Sent my mom a dozen roses and a card to tell her we are thinking of her today. Hope she is having a nice day too :)
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