Thursday, August 27, 2009

Isn't it Ironic?

Limits on social networking sites? You can't comment too much or request too many friends in one day? Shouldn't limits be relative to the total number of friends you have?

Sen. Ted Kennedy died yesterday. Everybody knew it was coming as he battled brain cancer for the past year. I think it's ironic that people don't get to live to hear what is said about them after death. Even in this case when it was anticipated, it's not until the person dies that the media makes a big deal out of them and airs programs honoring their lives and achievements. If I knew I was dying, I'd kind of like to hear what I meant to everybody BEFORE the fact. With that said, his passing marks the end of an era. The beginning of a new Kennedy generation as he was the last of three incredible brothers who tried to make our world a better place. Even though they called him the "Liberal Lion" he was known for having many close friends across the aisle.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

summer is over, well kind of

It's the last Saturday of summer for the girls. Where did the summer go? Why does time always fly when you are having fun? I've been making them work hard on academics over the summer, so they SHOULD be ready to go back to school. Keeping my fingers crossed they will both behave in class and do their work to the best of their abilities!!

Thomas misses the cut off for kindergarten so he will be home with me for another year. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be home with him.

Listening to the news about 'pay to play' for sports in schools. Yup, it's pretty expensive here for that kind of thing. It wasn't that way when I grew up. If you made the team you made it and didn't have to pay anything extra to participate!

My ankle surgery pretty much ruined the last half of my summer. Good thing we live in TX and it stays hot and sunny here for a while, so I still have some nice weather to look forward to when I get better. Also, the pool at our gym stays open till the end of September, so hopefully I can have a little bit of pool time after I get out of my walking boot.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kids say the cutest things

The other day, Thomas was watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I came to the family room and sat next to him on the couch, and he said, "Mommy you want to watch with me?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well, you know how to watch it mommy, you just .... stare at the screen..that's how you watch it!" funny boy..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

another day

Another day of healing. Another day lying around. I watched President Obama's town hall on health care today and thought he did a great job dispelling all the myths out there. I am hopeful people will come together and agree on something. It seems to me a public option is a good idea. I forgot to call my congressman's office today to express my support of health insurance reform. I guess I will have to do it tomorrow.

Haven't made any progress in either of my books, New Moon or Driftwood Summer, today but have been doing a lot of thinking and resting and playing around on facebook. Took care of all the bills on Monday. Listening to the news pretty much all day with a slight break for some comedy and some wife swap.

Sierra went to pick up her schedule today. Can't believe she is now a junior! We decided to let her drop out of the GT/AP versions of her classes so she can get more As instead of Bs and get her class rank up so she has a better chance of getting into the colleges she is interested in. Zoe and Thomas are w/ Joe's mom until tomorrow, so the house is quiet. At least they are not making a big mess as usual! But of course I miss them and look forward to seeing them tomorrow when they come home.

Am craving pad thai and wondering if they are made with rice noodles only - like no wheat or corn. Joe should be home soon so we'll figure out something for dinner.

Made an appointment to get my cast off next week, Tues Aug 18. Tutoring tomorrow, Thurs, and Friday. It will be a nice change of pace from doing nothing all day!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

in the hospital

Here I am in a hospital bed, waiting for my next dose of pain meds. My ankle is throbbing again and the pain gets unbearable after about 2 hours. The surgery went well but the cast was too tight so I had to come back last night and spend the night and am here all day today for observation and pain management. In some ways, it's nice to have a break from the day to day stuff. I'm catching up on the news and brought my laptop so I can play around on facebook and watch the two chick flicks I brought with me (Atonement and Across the Universe).

I still haven't seen Sierra since she got home last night. We talked on the phone today. She is home watching Zoe and Thomas. I hope to go home tonight after the dr. comes to visit me and makes sure I am ok.

Today is President Obama's 48th bday, happy birthday Mr. President! I heard on the news today that he is planning to address the problem of texting while driving. I think that's a great idea. Too many people are losing their lives because they are texting while driving, and several studies have shown it increases your likelihood of having an accident and is actually more dangerous than drinking while driving.

The health care debate still continues. The Republicans are afraid our health care system will be socialized and government will take over private insurances. I really don't think that is the case. Obama has said in the past he supports a single-payer system, but more recently it's been my understanding that he wants to provide a public option as a competitor to run alongside private insurance and bring the costs down in the private sector. If you like your private insurance you can keep it. It makes sense to me that we should tax all the unhealthy stuff more to help with the costs of health care. People who are obese or who smoke all the time are very expensive to care for, and really they are just doing it to themselves. They don't take care of themselves and then expect the doctors and medicines to fix them. Same with sodas and fast food etc. Diabetes is a major health problem as is heart disease and cancer. People should have an incentive to take care of themselves, eat right, and exercise. Prevention is important.

Even though our health insurance is crazy expensive and has high deductibles and copays, I am so thankful to have it. This stupid ankle injury is going to cost me lots of $$ but at least I am able to get the care I need. I am so thankful Joe was able to take yesterday off to be with me and to bring me back to the hospital and care for the kids.

I think it would be cool to be a doctor. If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I would have started college on a premed program and become a doctor of some sort. I wish I would have figured that out earlier, but oh well. It is what it is, and I am happy with being a mom and a math tutor. I really enjoy working one on one with students and focusing on math since it's my favorite subject and I'm good at it! If I were to become a doctor, I'd be interested in being an ob/gyn or maybe a medical examiner. After I has Sierra in 1993, I worked as a midwife's assistant and was fortunate enough to experience more than 30 home-births with her. Hypothetically, I don't think I'd want to be a midwife because there is so much controversy about it. I'd want to deliver babies in a hospital or birthing center though. That would be really cool. On the flip side, I am also fascinated by medical examiners' jobs although it seems a little gross to be working on dead people. All in all, I think it would be interesting to work in those fields, life and death. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

august is here

Where did July go? The summer seems to be flying by - which usually indicates you are having fun if time flies - but not sure that is the case this time. I can't wait to have surgery on my ankle tomorrow morning. I am sick of being injured. It sucks having to lie around and rest after a while. I want to be strong and active again.

Sierra comes home tomorrow night. I can't wait for that either.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I'm still trying to finish Harry Potter 7. I got it when it was first released and it didn't catch my interest like the other 6. I trudged my way through it until I was 2/3 of the way done and it was finally getting good. Then I left it at the gym...big mistake...because nobody turned it in. Somebody picked it up and took it home. Great. So, now I checked out the audio CDs from the library and am trying to finish it that way, although it takes so long to listen to the narrator read it, not sure if I am going to get through it that way. I just want to know if/how Harry dies...

I've also joined a book club in the neighborhood to help me build my pleasure reading habit. The first book we read, The Memory or Running, was ok. The Hour I First Believed was about Columbine. Good book. Then we read Good Christian Bitches, not so good. Now we are on Driftwood summer. Haven't started it yet..

In the meantime, I have started on the Twilight Series. Saw the movie and hated it. Everybody says the book is better, so I made it through #1, and yes I agree, the book was better than the movie. So, now I am on New Moon (#2) So far so good.

my kids and my food allergy update

I woke up late this morning (love sleeping in on the weekends) and cutie pie Thomas announced to me that today he has a date. When I asked with whom, he informed me his pillow (my king sized pillow that he always steals and he decided to draw a happy face on)...and not only is it a date..they are also getting married! As a consolation, he told me I could be his second wife. Nice of him to include me.

Zoe helped Joe with the dishes this morning. She is pretty good at emptying the dishwasher (Sierra's job) but doesn't like to load it. With Sierra being gone all week, we've needed some extra help getting all the chores done. I took Zoe to get a haircut yesterday to get it out of the way before my surgery (I found out from the dr. he doesn't want me to drive for six weeks - ugh) and before school starts in a few weeks.

Sierra comes home in two days...I miss her tons but I get it that she needs to spend time w/ her dad and grandparents. I have to share.

OK, now for my food allergy updates. The blood tests all came back negative, just like the skin tests a few years ago. It just goes to show they are not reliable (which the food allergist explained to me after charging me $350 for the skin testing). I don't know about the gluten intolerance but I do know that I get a rash whenever I mess up and have any wheat or corn products. So I will stick with eliminating them from my diet despite the test results. Just the other night, Joe was trying to be helpful and picked up a yummy rotisserie chicken for dinner. He put it in a brown rice tortilla w/ some lettuce and tomato and cheese and he forgot about mayo having corn syrup and put mayo on it too! I just can't seem to escape it. It seems like I am always messing up and having a little somehow. It takes a few days for the rashes to go down.